Potential flooding across regions of Kentucky this morning as rain falls across the region. Tributaries across Kentucky, namely the Buck Creek Near Shopville and the Bacon Creek Near Priceville are at potential flood levels as they surpass their own averages. The Buck Creek Near Shopville has been reaching levels as high as 3.09ft, along with discharge increasing by 2412.0cfs over the past 24 hours alone. Similarly, the Bacon Creek Near Priceville has sky rocketed to 829cfs, a 248.0% increase over the past 24 hours alone. Such high streamflow levels are uncommon for these rivers, and could create the potential for damage in the surrounding area.

f l o o d i n g , B u c k C r e e k N e a r S h o p v i l l e , B a c o n C r e e k N e a r P r i c e v i l l e , J a m e s R i v e r N e a r S p r i n g f i e l d , F i n l e y C r e e k B e l o w R i v e r d a l e , f l o w

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