
Watershed Hydrology

The Luxapallila watershed, located in Mississippi, covers an area of approximately 1,028 square miles. The watershed is primarily rural, with a mix of forested areas, agricultural land, and urban development. The hydrology of the area is heavily influenced by the Tombigbee River, which is the main source of surface water. The watershed has a humid subtropical climate, with hot summers and mild winters. While snow is rare, the area experiences occasional winter storms that can lead to ice accumulation and hazardous driving conditions. The reservoir in the watershed, Columbus Lake, is primarily used for flood control and recreation. Water quality in the lake has been impacted by agricultural runoff and sedimentation. In recent years, the area has experienced increasing rainfall and flooding, which is consistent with climate change projections for the region.

Surface Flows

Luxapallila Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Luxapallila Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Luxapallila Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Luxapallila Watershed

Luxapallila Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed