Upper Pearl

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Pearl Watershed, HUC 03180001, covers approximately 1,791 square miles in central Mississippi. The watershed is characterized by a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and mild winters. The annual precipitation is around 55 inches, and the majority of it falls between December and March. The Pearl River is the main water source in the watershed, and it is fed by several tributaries. The watershed is also home to the Ross Barnett Reservoir, which serves as the primary water source for the city of Jackson. The reservoir is also used for recreational activities such as boating and fishing. The area experiences occasional flooding due to heavy rainfall and is susceptible to drought conditions. The snowpack in the watershed is typically minimal due to the warm climate. Climate change may exacerbate these trends, leading to more frequent droughts and floods in the area.

Surface Flows

Upper Pearl Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Pearl Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Pearl Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Pearl Watershed

Upper Pearl Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed