Upper Fox

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Fox Watershed covers a land area of around 1,937 square miles and is located in northeast Wisconsin. The hydrology of the watershed is characterized by a number of small streams and tributaries that eventually join the Fox River, which flows into Lake Michigan. The region experiences a cold and snowy climate, with an average annual snowfall of around 50 inches. The snowpack in the area is an important source of surface water and helps to maintain water levels in the watershed. The surface water in the area is generally of good quality, but there are some concerns about phosphorus and sediment levels in some of the tributaries. The watershed also contains several reservoirs that are used for water supply and recreation. Interesting climatic facts include an increase in average annual temperature of 1.5°F over the past century and an increase in extreme precipitation events in recent years.

Surface Flows

Upper Fox Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Fox Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Fox Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Fox Watershed

Upper Fox Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed