Lower Levisa

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Levisa watershed, located in eastern Kentucky and western Virginia, covers approximately 2,800 square miles. The watershed is dominated by a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The hydrology of the region is heavily influenced by the Appalachian Mountains, which provide a source of freshwater for the region's rivers and streams. The watershed is home to several large reservoirs, including Yatesville Lake, which is used for flood control and recreation. Snowfall is relatively minimal in the region, with an average annual snowfall of around 10 inches. Surface water quality in the watershed is generally good, although there have been some concerns about nutrient pollution in some of the region's rivers and streams. Overall, the Lower Levisa watershed is an important ecological and economic resource for the communities that depend on it.

Surface Flows

Lower Levisa Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Levisa Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Levisa Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Levisa Watershed

Lower Levisa Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed