Wheeler Lake

Watershed Hydrology

The Wheeler Lake Watershed (HUC 06030002) covers an area of approximately 5,645 square kilometers in northern Alabama. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the Tennessee River and its tributaries, with Wheeler Lake being the largest reservoir in the watershed. The area receives an average of 142 cm of precipitation per year, with snowfall occurring occasionally in the winter months. Surface water quality in the watershed is influenced by agricultural and urban land use, with nutrients and sediment being the primary constituents of concern. Interesting climatic trends in the area include an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation over the past several decades. These changes have implications for water availability and quality in the watershed, as well as for the health of ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Surface Flows

Wheeler Lake Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Wheeler Lake Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Wheeler Lake Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Wheeler Lake Watershed

Wheeler Lake Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed