Lake Dubay

Watershed Hydrology

The Lake Dubay watershed, located in central Wisconsin and covering a land area of approximately 295 square miles, is primarily fed by the Wisconsin River and its tributaries. The hydrology of the area is mainly influenced by agricultural activities, urbanization, and land use changes. The area experiences a typical Midwestern climate, with cold winters and warm summers, and receives an average of 50 inches of snowfall annually. The surface water quality is closely monitored due to potential contamination from agricultural runoff and industrial activities. Lake Dubay serves as a reservoir for hydropower generation and water supply for the surrounding communities. Interesting climatic facts include the record-breaking snowfall in 2019, which led to flooding and road closures in the area. Additionally, there has been a trend of increasing precipitation and warmer temperatures in recent years, leading to concerns about potential impacts on the watershed's ecosystem.

Surface Flows

Lake Dubay Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lake Dubay Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lake Dubay Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lake Dubay Watershed

Lake Dubay Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed