
Watershed Hydrology

The Green Watershed (HUC 07090007) is located in the western United States and covers an area of approximately 14,000 square miles. It is characterized by a diverse hydrology, consisting of mountainous terrain with snowpack accumulation during the winter months and a generally arid climate during the summer. The watershed is home to several important surface water sources, including the Green River and Flaming Gorge Reservoir. The reservoir is a crucial source of water for several downstream communities and is managed for both irrigation and power generation. The area experiences a range of climatic conditions, with severe winter storms and snowpack accumulation followed by hot, dry summers with high evaporation rates. In recent years, there has been concern about the effects of climate change on the region, including increased temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns. This could potentially impact the availability of water resources and alter the ecosystem of the watershed.

Surface Flows

Green Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Green Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Green Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Green Watershed

Green Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed