Upper Little Missouri

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Little Missouri watershed (HUC 10110201) covers an area of approximately 1,391 square miles in western North Dakota. It is primarily a grassland ecosystem with limited forest cover. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Little Missouri River and its tributaries, which provide important habitat for fish and wildlife. Snowpack in the region is highly variable, with significant snowfall occurring in some years and very little in others. Surface water in the watershed is often characterized by intermittent streams and wetlands that can be important for waterfowl and other wildlife. The area also includes several reservoirs, including the Lake Sakakawea, which provides water for irrigation, recreation, and other uses. Climate trends in the region have been marked by increasing temperatures and declining precipitation in recent decades, which may have significant implications for the ecology of the area.

Surface Flows

Upper Little Missouri Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Little Missouri Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Little Missouri Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Little Missouri Watershed

Upper Little Missouri Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed