North Fork Grand

Watershed Hydrology

The North Fork Grand Watershed (HUC 10130301) is located in north-central Colorado and covers an area of approximately 1,545 square miles. The hydrology of the area is dominated by seasonal snowpack accumulation and melt, which provides a significant portion of the surface water for the watershed. The North Fork of the Colorado River is the primary surface water feature within the watershed and is fed by numerous tributaries. There are several reservoirs within the watershed, including Wolford Mountain Reservoir and Green Mountain Reservoir, which serve as important sources of water for downstream users. The reservoirs are also used for recreation, such as boating and fishing. The area experiences a semi-arid climate with average annual precipitation ranging from 10-25 inches. There has been a long-term trend of decreasing winter snowpack, which can impact water availability during the summer months. In recent years, the area has also experienced increased frequency and severity of wildfires, which can have significant impacts on hydrology and water quality.

Surface Flows

North Fork Grand Watershed

Snowpack Depths

North Fork Grand Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

North Fork Grand Watershed

Groundwater Levels

North Fork Grand Watershed

North Fork Grand Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed