
Watershed Hydrology

The bad watershed, also known as HUC 10140102, covers approximately 1,325 square miles of land in Idaho and Montana. It is a sub-basin within the larger Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Watershed. The watershed is characterized by a diverse range of hydrologic features, including wetlands, streams, and lakes. The region receives an average of 90 inches of snowfall annually, which contributes to a significant portion of the surface water in the area. However, the snowpack has been decreasing in recent years due to climate change, resulting in reduced stream flows and increased water temperatures. The surface water in the bad watershed is also impacted by historic mining activities, which have led to high levels of heavy metals in some of the waterways. These contaminants have the potential to harm aquatic life and pose risks to public health.

Surface Flows

Bad Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Bad Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Bad Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Bad Watershed

Bad Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed