Upper Middle Loup

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Middle Loup Watershed, with a land area of approximately 1,918 square miles, is located in Nebraska, USA. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Middle Loup River, which is fed by several tributaries. During winter, the watershed receives significant snowpack, with the highest elevations receiving up to 50 inches of snow. Surface waters within the watershed are used for irrigation, livestock watering, and recreation. Reservoirs within the watershed are primarily used for irrigation and flood control. The constituents of the reservoirs include sediment, nutrients, and pesticides. The climate of the watershed is characterized by hot summers and cold winters with an average annual precipitation of 24 inches. In recent years, the watershed has experienced significant drought conditions, which have impacted water availability for agricultural and recreational activities.

Surface Flows

Upper Middle Loup Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Middle Loup Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Middle Loup Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Middle Loup Watershed

Upper Middle Loup Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed