
Watershed Hydrology

The Arikaree watershed spans across Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas with a total land area of approximately 1,860 square miles. The major streams in the area are the Arikaree River, the Republican River, and the Frenchman Creek. The watershed is characterized by a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters. Snowpack typically accumulates from November through March, with the greatest amounts occurring in February. Surface water in the watershed is heavily utilized for irrigation, which has led to declining groundwater levels. The predominant reservoirs in the area are the Bonny Reservoir and the Enders Reservoir. Due to the semi-arid climate, the watershed is prone to droughts, with 2012 being one of the driest years on record. Climate change is expected to exacerbate drought conditions in the area, leading to increased stress on water resources.

Surface Flows

Arikaree Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Arikaree Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Arikaree Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Arikaree Watershed

Arikaree Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed