Upper North Fork Solomon

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed, located in western Kansas and eastern Colorado, covers an area of approximately 1,393 square miles. The region has a semi-arid climate with average annual precipitation of 14 inches. The watershed is primarily fed by snowmelt and precipitation, which contributes to its hydrology. Snowpack in the region is generally low, but occasional heavy snowfalls can occur. The watershed contains several reservoirs, with the largest being the Webster Reservoir. These reservoirs are primarily used for irrigation and recreation. Surface water in the watershed is also used for livestock and wildlife. Interesting climatic facts include occasional droughts and heat waves that can impact the region. Climate trends include an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation over the past several decades. Overall, the Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed is an important resource for agriculture, recreation, and wildlife in the region.

Surface Flows

Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper North Fork Solomon Watershed

Upper North Fork Solomon Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed