Big Piney

Watershed Hydrology

The Big Piney watershed covers an area of approximately 1,889 square miles and is located in south-central Wyoming. The watershed is predominantly characterized by high elevation mountains, with the highest peak reaching over 12,000 feet. The hydrology of the watershed is heavily influenced by snowpack, with the majority of the annual precipitation falling as snow in the winter months. This snowpack feeds into the various streams and rivers that flow through the watershed, ultimately leading to the Big Piney River. The surface water in the watershed is relatively clean and supports a variety of fish species. There are also several reservoirs in the watershed that provide water for irrigation and other uses. Interesting climatic facts include the watershed experiencing both cold and warm temperature extremes, and trends suggest that temperatures are increasing and snowpack is decreasing, leading to potential impacts on water resources in the future.

Surface Flows

Big Piney Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Big Piney Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Big Piney Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Big Piney Watershed

Big Piney Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed