Upper Verdigris

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Verdigris Watershed (HUC 11070101) covers an area of approximately 1,720 square miles in northeastern Oklahoma. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Verdigris River, which flows for 63 miles through the region. The watershed experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot summers and cold winters. The region typically receives between 35 and 45 inches of precipitation per year, with much of it falling during the summer months. The watershed has experienced significant changes in land use over the past century, with much of the area being converted to agricultural land. The watershed also contains several large reservoirs, including Lake Oologah and Keystone Lake, which provide water for irrigation, recreational activities, and municipal use. In recent years, the region has experienced an increase in extreme weather events, including severe storms and flooding. These trends are likely to continue as a result of climate change.

Surface Flows

Upper Verdigris Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Verdigris Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Verdigris Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Verdigris Watershed

Upper Verdigris Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed