Lower Cottonwood

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower Cottonwood Watershed (HUC 11070203) covers an area of approximately 179 square miles in southeastern Utah. The hydrology of the watershed is largely influenced by the San Juan River, which runs through it and provides a significant portion of the surface water flow. The area experiences a specific snowpack, with an average snow water equivalent of around 10 inches. Surface water quality in the watershed is generally good, though there are some issues with sediment and nutrient loading in certain areas. The watershed includes several small reservoirs, which are primarily used for irrigation purposes. The climate of the area is characterized by hot summers and cold winters, with an average annual precipitation of around 10 inches. In recent years, the region has experienced a trend of decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures, which have impacted water availability and quality in the watershed.

Surface Flows

Lower Cottonwood Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower Cottonwood Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower Cottonwood Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower Cottonwood Watershed

Lower Cottonwood Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed