Robert S. Kerr Reservoir

Watershed Hydrology

The Robert S Kerr Reservoir watershed (HUC 11110104) covers approximately 1,345 square miles in eastern Oklahoma. The watershed is primarily flat with rolling hills in the eastern portion. It is drained by the Arkansas River and its tributaries, including the Canadian and Poteau rivers. The area experiences a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Snowfall is generally light, but can be heavy in some years. Surface water in the watershed is affected by agricultural and industrial activities, with occasional algal blooms reported in the reservoir. Additionally, the reservoir is subject to periodic flooding, particularly during heavy rainfall events. Interesting climatic trends include an overall warming trend over the last few decades, with more frequent and intense heatwaves and a decrease in annual precipitation.

Surface Flows

Robert S. Kerr Reservoir Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Robert S. Kerr Reservoir Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Robert S. Kerr Reservoir Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Robert S. Kerr Reservoir Watershed

Robert S. Kerr Reservoir Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed