Middle Colorado-Elm

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Colorado-Elm watershed (HUC 12090101) covers an area of approximately 1,149 square miles in Colorado. The hydrology of the area is primarily influenced by the Colorado River and its tributaries, which provide surface water to the region. The snowpack in this watershed is important as it provides a significant amount of water for the region's streams and rivers during the spring and summer months. There are several reservoirs in the watershed which are used for water storage and flood control. The constituents of these reservoirs include sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants which can impact water quality. The area has a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters. The region experiences periodic droughts and floods, which can have significant impacts on water availability and quality. The climate in recent years has shown a trend towards warmer temperatures and decreasing snowpack, which could have significant implications for water resources in the region.

Surface Flows

Middle Colorado-Elm Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Colorado-Elm Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Colorado-Elm Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Colorado-Elm Watershed

Middle Colorado-Elm Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed