Lower San Antonio

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower San Antonio Watershed (HUC 12100303) is located in southern New Mexico and encompasses approximately 1,258 square miles. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Rio Grande, which flows through the central portion of the watershed. The watershed also includes several smaller streams and tributaries, which contribute to the surface water resources of the region. The area experiences a semi-arid climate with low precipitation levels and high temperatures. The winter months typically bring snowfall to the higher elevations of the watershed, which can have an impact on the surface water resources during the spring and summer months. There are several reservoirs located within the watershed, including Elephant Butte Reservoir, which serves as a critical source of irrigation water for the region. The reservoir is also a popular recreation destination, attracting visitors from throughout the Southwest. Overall, the Lower San Antonio Watershed is an important resource for the region, providing water for agricultural, recreational, and residential uses. However, the area faces potential challenges related to water scarcity and climate change, highlighting the need for effective management and conservation strategies moving forward.

Surface Flows

Lower San Antonio Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower San Antonio Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower San Antonio Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower San Antonio Watershed

Lower San Antonio Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed