
Watershed Hydrology

The Cibolo Watershed, located in south central Texas, covers an area of approximately 1,761 square miles. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Cibolo Creek, which is fed by numerous tributaries. The watershed is characterized by a semi-arid climate with hot summers and mild winters. Snowfall is rare in the region, with only occasional light snowfall during winter months. Surface water in the watershed is used primarily for agriculture, and there are several small reservoirs used for water storage. The main reservoirs in the area are Canyon Lake and Lake Dunlap, which are used for flood control, recreation, and drinking water. Interesting climatic trends include increasing temperatures and decreasing rainfall over the past few decades, which have led to water scarcity issues in the region.

Surface Flows

Cibolo Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Cibolo Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Cibolo Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Cibolo Watershed

Cibolo Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed