Middle Nueces

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Nueces Watershed (HUC 12110105) covers an area of approximately 5,420 square miles in southern Texas. It is part of the larger Nueces River Basin and is characterized by a semi-arid climate with hot summers and mild winters. The watershed is primarily composed of grasslands and agricultural land, with some urban development in the larger cities. Surface water in the watershed is primarily fed by the Nueces River and its tributaries, with several reservoirs located throughout the region. The watershed also experiences occasional snowfall, with the highest snowpack typically occurring in the higher elevations of the western portion of the watershed. Interesting climatic facts include the frequent occurrence of severe thunderstorms and flash floods during the summer months, as well as the occasional tropical storm or hurricane impact during the fall. Trends in the watershed include increased water demand due to population growth and drought conditions in recent years.

Surface Flows

Middle Nueces Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Nueces Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Nueces Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Nueces Watershed

Middle Nueces Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed