Big Sandy

Watershed Hydrology

The Big Sandy Watershed (HUC 14040104) covers approximately 2,045 square miles in western Wyoming. The area is characterized by mountainous terrain, with elevations ranging from 5,000 to 13,804 feet. The watershed is fed primarily by snowpack, with snow accumulation typically beginning in November and continuing through April. The snowpack provides a significant source of surface water, with the majority of streamflow occurring in the spring and early summer months. The watershed contains several reservoirs, including Fremont Lake and Boulder Lake, which are used for irrigation, municipal water supply, and recreation. The climatic trends in the area are heavily influenced by the Rocky Mountains, with average temperatures ranging from 14°F in January to 61°F in July. The area experiences a semi-arid climate with an average annual precipitation of 10-20 inches. Climate change is expected to impact the watershed, with potential changes in snowpack, streamflow, and water availability.

Surface Flows

Big Sandy Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Big Sandy Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Big Sandy Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Big Sandy Watershed

Big Sandy Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed