Fort Pierce Wash

Watershed Hydrology

The Fort Pierce Wash watershed covers a land area of approximately 1,600 square miles in Arizona. It is fed by seasonal rains and runoff from surrounding mountains, and its hydrology is characterized by intermittent flow and occasional flash floods. The watershed receives very little snowpack each year, with most precipitation falling as rain. Surface water in the watershed is primarily held in small, isolated streams and washes, and there are no major reservoirs within the watershed boundaries. The climate in the watershed is hot and arid, with high temperatures in the summer months and occasional monsoonal rains in the late summer and early fall. Trends in the watershed include increased development and urbanization, which can lead to increased runoff and potential water quality issues.

Surface Flows

Fort Pierce Wash Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Fort Pierce Wash Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Fort Pierce Wash Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Fort Pierce Wash Watershed

Fort Pierce Wash Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed