Piute Wash

Watershed Hydrology

The Piute Wash watershed (HUC 15030102) covers an area of 1,168 square miles in the Mojave Desert of California. The watershed's hydrology is characterized by flash flooding, with surface runoff quickly making its way to the Piute Wash basin. The area receives little precipitation, but snowpack can accumulate in the nearby mountains and contribute to streamflow. Surface water in the basin is limited, with only a few small streams and ponds present. There are no major reservoirs in the watershed. Interesting climatic facts include the area's extreme temperatures, with summer highs often exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit and winter lows dropping below freezing. Snowfall is rare in the basin itself, but nearby mountains can experience significant snowpack. There is no clear trend in precipitation or temperature in the area, but the watershed is vulnerable to drought due to its arid climate.

Surface Flows

Piute Wash Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Piute Wash Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Piute Wash Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Piute Wash Watershed

Piute Wash Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed