Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver

Watershed Hydrology

The Beaver Bottoms Upper Beaver Watershed (HUC 16030007) covers an area of approximately 82 square miles in eastern Idaho. The topography of the area is characterized by steep mountain slopes and narrow valleys. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Upper Beaver River, which drains into the Beaver River downstream. The area experiences a significant snowpack during the winter months, which contributes to the surface water flow throughout the year. The watershed is home to several small reservoirs, which are used for irrigation and livestock watering. Interesting climatic facts include the high variability of precipitation and temperature in the area, as well as the frequent occurrence of severe storms during the spring and summer months. Trends indicate a slight increase in average temperatures and a slight decrease in average precipitation over the past several decades.

Surface Flows

Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver Watershed

Beaver Bottoms-Upper Beaver Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed