Middle Fork Flathead

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Fork Flathead watershed covers an area of approximately 5,780 square kilometers and is located in the northwest region of Montana. The watershed is fed by snowpack, which is a critical source of water for the area. The snowpack in the watershed is closely monitored, as it provides insight into the potential for flooding in the spring. The watershed is also home to a number of surface water sources, including the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, which is an important source of water for the region. The reservoirs in the watershed contain a variety of constituents, including sediments and nutrients, which can impact water quality. Interesting climatic facts include the area's high precipitation levels, which support the growth of lush forests, and the fact that the area experiences both hot summers and cold winters. Climate trends suggest that the region is experiencing increasing temperatures and more variable precipitation patterns, which could have implications for ecosystem health and water availability.

Surface Flows

Middle Fork Flathead Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Fork Flathead Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Fork Flathead Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Fork Flathead Watershed

Middle Fork Flathead Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed