Big Lost

Watershed Hydrology

The Big Lost Watershed (HUC 17040218) covers an area of 1,310 square miles in central Idaho. The hydrology of the area is influenced by high elevations, steep slopes, and a semi-arid climate. The watershed receives an average of 20 inches of precipitation annually, with most of it falling as snow during the winter months. The snowpack typically peaks in April and May, providing necessary water resources for the region's agriculture and ranching activities. The watershed contains several small reservoirs that store water for irrigation and other uses. The area experiences extreme fluctuations in temperature, with temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 100°F. In recent years, the region has experienced prolonged droughts, leading to reduced snowpack and decreased water availability. Climate change is expected to exacerbate these trends.

Surface Flows

Big Lost Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Big Lost Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Big Lost Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Big Lost Watershed

Big Lost Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed