Middle Fork Payette

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Fork Payette Watershed (HUC 17050121) comprises approximately 1,003 square miles of land area in central Idaho, and is characterized by a rugged, mountainous landscape. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by snowmelt runoff, with much of the water flowing into the Middle Fork of the Payette River. The watershed is home to several large reservoirs, including the Cascade Reservoir and the Deadwood Reservoir. These reservoirs are used for irrigation, water supply, recreation, and flood control. The area experiences significant snowfall in the winter months, with peak snowpack typically occurring in late February or early March. The Middle Fork Payette Watershed is also known for its diverse wildlife, including elk, deer, and mountain goats. Climate trends in the region show an increase in average temperatures and a decrease in snowpack over the last few decades, which could have significant impacts on water availability and ecosystem health.

Surface Flows

Middle Fork Payette Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Fork Payette Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Fork Payette Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Fork Payette Watershed

Middle Fork Payette Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed