North Fork Payette

Watershed Hydrology

The North Fork Payette Watershed, located in western Idaho and covering an area of approximately 560 square miles, is characterized by high elevation, steep terrain, and a mix of forested and agricultural land uses. The hydrology of the watershed is largely influenced by snowpack, which supplies water to mountain streams during the spring and summer months. Surface water flows into the Payette River, which feeds into the Snake River and eventually the Columbia River. The watershed's reservoirs store water for irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and recreation. Interesting climatic facts and trends include the watershed's location in a semi-arid region, where precipitation is highly variable from year to year, and the potential impacts of climate change on snowpack, streamflow, and water availability. Overall, the North Fork Payette Watershed is an important resource for both humans and wildlife, and requires careful management to ensure its sustainability.

Surface Flows

North Fork Payette Watershed

Snowpack Depths

North Fork Payette Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

North Fork Payette Watershed

Groundwater Levels

North Fork Payette Watershed

North Fork Payette Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed