Lower North Fork Clearwater

Watershed Hydrology

The Lower North Fork Clearwater Watershed covers an area of 1,199 square miles in northern Idaho. The hydrology of the watershed is primarily influenced by the Clearwater River, which is a major tributary of the Snake River. The watershed contains a specific snowpack, which provides a significant amount of surface water to the Clearwater River during the spring and summer months. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including Dworshak Reservoir, which is the third-largest reservoir in Idaho. The reservoirs are used for irrigation, flood control, and hydropower generation. Interesting climatic facts include the watershed experiencing a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. Recent trends show warmer temperatures and decreased snowpack, leading to lower streamflows during the summer months.

Surface Flows

Lower North Fork Clearwater Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lower North Fork Clearwater Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lower North Fork Clearwater Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lower North Fork Clearwater Watershed

Lower North Fork Clearwater Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed