Middle Rogue

Watershed Hydrology

The Middle Rogue Watershed (HUC 17100308) covers approximately 1,883 square miles in southwestern Oregon. It is characterized by a Mediterranean climate with dry summers and wet winters, and is influenced by the Rogue River and its tributaries. The area receives an average of 33 inches of precipitation per year, with snowfall occurring at higher elevations. There are multiple reservoirs within the watershed, including the Lost Creek and Applegate Reservoirs. The watershed is home to a diverse range of aquatic and terrestrial species, including salmon and steelhead trout. Interesting climatic trends include an increase in the number of extreme weather events, such as wildfires and droughts, in recent years. Additionally, there have been concerns about water quality in the watershed due to agricultural and urban runoff. Overall, the Middle Rogue Watershed is an important natural resource in southwestern Oregon that requires careful management to maintain its ecological health.

Surface Flows

Middle Rogue Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Middle Rogue Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Middle Rogue Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Middle Rogue Watershed

Middle Rogue Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed