
Watershed Hydrology

The Sauk Watershed covers an area of approximately 221 square miles in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is primarily mountainous and is home to several peaks over 6,000 feet in elevation. The watershed is fed by snowmelt and rainfall, and its hydrology is heavily influenced by the Cascade Range. The snowpack in the watershed is significant, with an average depth of around 100 inches at higher elevations. The surface water in the watershed is generally of high quality, with low levels of pollutants. There are several reservoirs in the watershed that provide water for municipal and agricultural use. Interesting climatic facts include the frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall and snowfall events, as well as the potential for significant flooding during the winter months. Recent trends suggest increasing temperatures and decreased snowpack in the region.

Surface Flows

Sauk Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Sauk Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Sauk Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Sauk Watershed

Sauk Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed