
Climate Recreation Community Catastrophe

Eden Index

Climate 8.2 Recreation 2.6 Community 0.9 Safeguard


Gowen is a small town located in southeastern Oklahoma. The climate in Gowen is considered humid subtropical with hot summers and mild winters. The area receives an average of 50 inches of rainfall per year, which contributes to the hydrology constituents of the region. Outdoor recreation opportunities in Gowen include fishing in nearby lakes and rivers, hiking in the Ouachita Mountains, and hunting in the surrounding forests. The nearby Robbers Cave State Park offers camping, rock climbing, and horseback riding. The area is also known for its abundant wildlife, including deer, turkey, and various species of birds. Overall, Gowen offers a scenic and peaceful experience for those looking to enjoy the outdoors.

What is the Eden Index?

The Snoflo Eden Index serves as a comprehensive rating system for regions, evaluating their desirability through a holistic assessment of climate health, outdoor recreation opportunities, and natural disaster risk, acknowledging the profound impact of these factors on livability and well-being.

Climate Health Indicator (CHI): 8.2

Gowen receives approximately 1174mm of rain per year, with humidity levels near 83% and air temperatures averaging around 17°C. Gowen has a plant hardyness factor of 7, meaning plants and agriculture in this region tend to thrive during the non-winter months. By considering the ideal temperature range, reliable water supplies, clean air, and stable seasonal rain or snowpacks, the Climate Health Indicator (CHI) underscores the significance of a healthy climate as the foundation for quality living.

A healthy climate is paramount for ensuring a high quality of life and livability in a region, fostering both physical well-being and environmental harmony. This can be characterized by ideal temperatures, reliable access to water supplies, clean air, and consistent seasonal rain or snowpacks.

Weather Forecast

Streamflow Conditions

Lower Canadian

Area Rivers

Lower Canadian

Snowpack Depths

Lower Canadian

Reservoir Storage Capacity

Lower Canadian

Groundwater Levels

Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI): 2.6

The Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI) recognizes the value of outdoor recreational options, such as parks, hiking trails, camping sites, and fishing spots, while acknowledging that climate plays a pivotal role in ensuring the comfort and consistency of these experiences. Access to outdoor recreational opportunities, encompassing activities such as parks, hiking, camping, and fishing, is crucial for overall well-being, and the climate plays a pivotal role in enabling and enhancing these experiences, ensuring that individuals can engage in nature-based activities comfortably and consistently.

Camping Areas

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Sanders Cove - Pat Mayse Lake 90 541 ft
Louie P. Gartner RA 9 905 ft
Pat Mayse East - Pat Mayse Lake 25 504 ft
Newt Graham Lock and Dam - Arkansas River None 521 ft
Afton Landing - Chouteau Lake None 523 ft
Belle Starr Park - Eufaula Lake None 614 ft
Potato Hills Central None 640 ft
Fort Gibson - Fort Gibson Lake None 583 ft
Oak Ridge - Eufaula Lake None 597 ft
Taylor Ferry - Fort Gibson Lake None 570 ft
Hugo Lake - Kiamichi State Park None 468 ft
Big Creek Ramp - Oologah Lake None 653 ft
Lake Holbrook Park - West None 383 ft
Lake Quitman Park None 414 ft
Rocky Point - Fort Gibson Lake None 572 ft
Lake Winnsboro North Park 15 441 ft
Chouteau Bend - Fort Gibson Lake None 610 ft
Wahoo Bay - Fort Gibson Lake None 564 ft
Virgil Point - Hugo Lake None 452 ft
Robbers Cave State Park None 748 ft
The Woods - Walter Johnson City Park 56 717 ft
Sardis Cove None 688 ft
Bluff Landing - Arkansas River None 539 ft
Pat Mayse West - Pat Mayse Lake 85 481 ft
Porum Landing - Eufaula Lake None 597 ft
Elm Point - Eufaula Lake None 599 ft
Highway 9 Landing - Eufaula Lake None 618 ft
Kiamichi Park - Hugo Lake None 464 ft
Rivercrest - Walter Johnson City Park 61 719 ft
Blue Bill Point - Fort Gibson Lake None 568 ft
Lake Holbrook Park - South None 379 ft
Lamar Point - Pat Mayse Lake None 506 ft
Deep Fork - Lake Eufaula State Park None 629 ft
Spaniard Creek - Webbers Falls Lake None 506 ft
Arrowhead State Park None 619 ft
Pecan Park None 522 ft
Clayton Lake State Park None 738 ft
Winnsboro City RV Park 20 495 ft
Rattan Landing - Hugo Lake None 433 ft
Lloyd Church Lake None 776 ft
Flat Rock Creek - Fort Gibson Lake None 588 ft
Governor Jim Hogg RV Park - Quitman None 394 ft
Gentry Creek Landing - Eufaula Lake None 607 ft
Dam Site South - Eufaula Lake None 652 ft
Idle Hour Lake 20 907 ft
Brooken Cove - Eufaula Lake None 612 ft

Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI):

The Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI) recognizes that natural disaster risk, encompassing floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, can drastically affect safety and the overall appeal of an area. The level of natural disaster risk in a region significantly affects safety and the overall livability, with climate change amplifying these risks by potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of events like floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, thereby posing substantial challenges to community resilience and well-being.

Community Resilience Indicator (CRI): 0.9

The Community Resilience Indicator (CRI) recognizes that education, healthcare, and socioeconomics are crucial to the well-being of a region. The CRI acknowledges the profound impact of these elements on residents' overall quality of life. By evaluating educational resources, healthcare accessibility, and economic inclusivity, the index captures the essential aspects that contribute to a thriving community, fostering resident satisfaction, equity, and social cohesion.

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