
Climate Recreation Community Catastrophe

Eden Index

Climate 8.1 Recreation 2.8 Community 1.3 Safeguard


Holcomb, Missouri is a charming small town situated in the southeastern part of the state. The climate in Holcomb is characterized by hot and humid summers, with temperatures often reaching the high 80s and low 90s Fahrenheit, while winters are mild, with temperatures averaging in the mid-40s. The area experiences moderate rainfall throughout the year, with precipitation peaking in the spring and fall.

When it comes to hydrology, Holcomb is not far from the Mississippi River, providing a picturesque landscape and numerous opportunities for water-related activities. Additionally, the region is dotted with small lakes and ponds, offering ample fishing and boating opportunities.

Outdoor recreation enthusiasts will find plenty to do in Holcomb and its surrounding areas. The nearby Mingo National Wildlife Refuge is a fantastic spot for birdwatching, hiking, and wildlife photography. For those seeking more adventurous activities, the Clearwater Lake Conservation Area, with its scenic trails and camping facilities, is ideal for hiking, biking, and camping.

In summary, Holcomb, Missouri, offers a pleasant climate with hot summers and mild winters. Its proximity to the Mississippi River and various lakes makes it an excellent destination for water-based activities, while the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge and Clearwater Lake Conservation Area provide opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy nature to the fullest.

What is the Eden Index?

The Snoflo Eden Index serves as a comprehensive rating system for regions, evaluating their desirability through a holistic assessment of climate health, outdoor recreation opportunities, and natural disaster risk, acknowledging the profound impact of these factors on livability and well-being.

Climate Health Indicator (CHI): 8.1

Holcomb receives approximately 1213mm of rain per year, with humidity levels near 84% and air temperatures averaging around 15°C. Holcomb has a plant hardyness factor of 7, meaning plants and agriculture in this region tend to thrive during the non-winter months. By considering the ideal temperature range, reliable water supplies, clean air, and stable seasonal rain or snowpacks, the Climate Health Indicator (CHI) underscores the significance of a healthy climate as the foundation for quality living.

A healthy climate is paramount for ensuring a high quality of life and livability in a region, fostering both physical well-being and environmental harmony. This can be characterized by ideal temperatures, reliable access to water supplies, clean air, and consistent seasonal rain or snowpacks.

Weather Forecast

Streamflow Conditions

St. Francis

Area Rivers

St. Francis

Snowpack Depths

St. Francis

Reservoir Storage Capacity

St. Francis

Groundwater Levels

Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI): 2.8

The Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI) recognizes the value of outdoor recreational options, such as parks, hiking trails, camping sites, and fishing spots, while acknowledging that climate plays a pivotal role in ensuring the comfort and consistency of these experiences. Access to outdoor recreational opportunities, encompassing activities such as parks, hiking, camping, and fishing, is crucial for overall well-being, and the climate plays a pivotal role in enabling and enhancing these experiences, ensuring that individuals can engage in nature-based activities comfortably and consistently.

Camping Areas

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Scott AFB Military None 439 ft
Lincolns New Salem Historic Site 200 606 ft
Lefleurs Bluff State Park None 288 ft
Rocky Arbor State Park 90 852 ft
Devilfish Lake - Grand Portage State Forest 5 1,904 ft
DLo Water Park None 312 ft
Jim Edgar Panther Creek WA 75 609 ft
Waverly Lake City Park None 663 ft
Mirror Lake State Park 165 868 ft
Riverfront City Park - Havana 12 473 ft
Blue Mound State Park None 1,522 ft
Lake Mary Crawford 20 293 ft
Johnson Sauk Trail State Park 95 747 ft
Tower Hill State Park 15 745 ft
Castle Rock County Park 200 890 ft
Sand Ridge State Forest - Forest City 27 498 ft
Spring Lake State Conservation Area 70 507 ft
Simpson County Lake 11 427 ft
Rice Lake State Conservation Area 35 452 ft
Atwood Water Park None 218 ft
Fort Kaskaskia State Park None 598 ft
Camp New Wood County Park None 1,322 ft
Randolph County State Conservation Area 95 513 ft
Buckhorn State Park 54 885 ft
Fulton County Rec Area 40 604 ft
Riverside Park - New Lisbon 75 888 ft
Canton Lake None 551 ft
Jubilee College State Park 165 674 ft
Governor Dodge State Park 270 1,167 ft
Timberlake - Ross Barnett Reservoir 289 331 ft
Holmes County State Park None 367 ft
New Orleans Reserve Military None 0 ft
White Mound County Campground None 1,116 ft
Kennedy County Park 12 897 ft
Anderson Lake State Conservation Area 100 456 ft
Brigham Park 25 1,364 ft
Fairview Riverside State Park None 4 ft
Judge Magney State Park 30 1,461 ft
Fontainebleau State Park None 18 ft
Bayou Segnette State Park None 0 ft
Goshen Springs None 304 ft
St. Bernard State Park None 3 ft
McFarland Lake - Grand Portage State Forest 5 1,479 ft
Lake Girardeau Conservation Area - MDC None 404 ft
Francis City Park None 816 ft
Wonewoc Legion Park None 967 ft
Horseshoe Lake Recreation Area 50 424 ft

Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI):

The Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI) recognizes that natural disaster risk, encompassing floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, can drastically affect safety and the overall appeal of an area. The level of natural disaster risk in a region significantly affects safety and the overall livability, with climate change amplifying these risks by potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of events like floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, thereby posing substantial challenges to community resilience and well-being.

Community Resilience Indicator (CRI): 1.3

The Community Resilience Indicator (CRI) recognizes that education, healthcare, and socioeconomics are crucial to the well-being of a region. The CRI acknowledges the profound impact of these elements on residents' overall quality of life. By evaluating educational resources, healthcare accessibility, and economic inclusivity, the index captures the essential aspects that contribute to a thriving community, fostering resident satisfaction, equity, and social cohesion.

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