
Climate Recreation Community Catastrophe

Eden Index

Climate 8.3 Recreation 2.2 Community Safeguard


Shumway, Illinois is a small rural community located in Effingham County. The climate in Shumway is characterized by hot summers and cold winters, typical of the continental climate of the Midwest region. Summers are warm and humid, with temperatures ranging from the 80s to low 90s Fahrenheit. Winters are cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing and occasional snowfall.

Hydrology in Shumway is primarily influenced by the surrounding agricultural landscape. The region is dotted with small creeks and streams that contribute to the hydrological system. These water bodies are vital for irrigation and support local flora and fauna.

Outdoor recreation opportunities in Shumway are abundant. The area is home to several parks and recreational areas that offer activities like hiking, picnicking, and bird-watching. Nearby Lake Sara provides opportunities for boating, fishing, and swimming during the summer months. The surrounding countryside also offers opportunities for hunting and camping. Shumway's rural setting and natural beauty make it a great destination for those seeking outdoor adventures and a connection with nature.

What is the Eden Index?

The Snoflo Eden Index serves as a comprehensive rating system for regions, evaluating their desirability through a holistic assessment of climate health, outdoor recreation opportunities, and natural disaster risk, acknowledging the profound impact of these factors on livability and well-being.

Climate Health Indicator (CHI): 8.3

Shumway receives approximately 1051mm of rain per year, with humidity levels near 81% and air temperatures averaging around 12°C. Shumway has a plant hardyness factor of 6, meaning plants and agriculture in this region thrive during a short period during spring and early summer. Most plants will die off during the colder winter months. By considering the ideal temperature range, reliable water supplies, clean air, and stable seasonal rain or snowpacks, the Climate Health Indicator (CHI) underscores the significance of a healthy climate as the foundation for quality living.

A healthy climate is paramount for ensuring a high quality of life and livability in a region, fostering both physical well-being and environmental harmony. This can be characterized by ideal temperatures, reliable access to water supplies, clean air, and consistent seasonal rain or snowpacks.

Weather Forecast

Streamflow Conditions


Area Rivers


Snowpack Depths


Reservoir Storage Capacity


Groundwater Levels

Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI): 2.2

The Recreational Opportunity Index (ROI) recognizes the value of outdoor recreational options, such as parks, hiking trails, camping sites, and fishing spots, while acknowledging that climate plays a pivotal role in ensuring the comfort and consistency of these experiences. Access to outdoor recreational opportunities, encompassing activities such as parks, hiking, camping, and fishing, is crucial for overall well-being, and the climate plays a pivotal role in enabling and enhancing these experiences, ensuring that individuals can engage in nature-based activities comfortably and consistently.

Camping Areas

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Dunns Falls Water Park None 269 ft
Stephen A. Forbes State Park 135 604 ft
Lake Ottawa 32 1,573 ft
Lake Tom Bailey 32 299 ft
Brule River 11 1,541 ft
Iron River RV Park None 1,480 ft
Shawano County Park None 804 ft
Charley Brown City Park None 487 ft
Perch Lake 24 1,550 ft
Moraine View State Park 200 853 ft
Tepee Lake None 1,620 ft
Turkey Fork Rec. Area 76 278 ft
Twiltley Branch - Okatibbee Lake None 421 ft
Laura Lake 41 1,503 ft
Morgan Lake 18 1,498 ft
Richardson Lake 26 1,599 ft
Davis Bayou - Gulf Islands National Seashore 52 19 ft
McLain State Park 100 625 ft
Opossum Creek - Shelbyville Lake 80 654 ft
Ada Lake 27 1,672 ft
Lake Ste. Kathryn 24 1,576 ft
Jurgens City Park None 658 ft
Coon Creek - Shelbyville Lake 230 666 ft
Gratiot River County Park None 626 ft
Mary Louise Lake - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park 170 767 ft
Clarkco State Park None 273 ft
Clinton Lake State Rec Area 310 725 ft
Norway Lake 25 1,524 ft
Archusa Creek Waterpark 69 315 ft
Bates Township Park - Sunset Lake 13 1,597 ft
Emily Lake State Forest 9 1,229 ft
Sam Dale Lake Conservation Area None 493 ft
Gulf Marine State Park None 6 ft
Boot Lake 34 1,332 ft
Shepard State Park None 16 ft
Bagley Rapids 30 931 ft
West Lake - Sleeping Giant Provincial Park 10 753 ft
North Canal Township Park 19 633 ft
Friends Creek Regional Park 35 693 ft
Big Lake State Forest 12 1,264 ft
Faries Park 37 618 ft
Illini State Park None 563 ft
Livingston County 4-H Park None 636 ft
Maynor Creek Waterpark None 362 ft
Baraga State Park None 612 ft
Shawano County Fairgrounds None 814 ft
Sturgeon River 9 1,035 ft

Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI):

The Catastrophe Safeguard Index (CSI) recognizes that natural disaster risk, encompassing floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, can drastically affect safety and the overall appeal of an area. The level of natural disaster risk in a region significantly affects safety and the overall livability, with climate change amplifying these risks by potentially increasing the frequency and intensity of events like floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, thereby posing substantial challenges to community resilience and well-being.

Community Resilience Indicator (CRI):

The Community Resilience Indicator (CRI) recognizes that education, healthcare, and socioeconomics are crucial to the well-being of a region. The CRI acknowledges the profound impact of these elements on residents' overall quality of life. By evaluating educational resources, healthcare accessibility, and economic inclusivity, the index captures the essential aspects that contribute to a thriving community, fostering resident satisfaction, equity, and social cohesion.

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