
Watershed Hydrology

The Edisto Watershed, located in the southeastern United States, covers an area of approximately 5,528 square miles. The watershed is predominantly composed of agricultural lands and forests, with some urban development in certain areas. The hydrology of the Edisto Watershed is influenced by several major rivers, including the North Edisto, South Edisto, and Congaree Rivers. Precipitation in the form of rain is the primary source of water for the watershed, with occasional snowfall in colder months. There are no major reservoirs in the Edisto Watershed. The climate in the area is generally humid subtropical, with hot summers and mild winters. In recent years, the region has experienced some extreme weather events, including significant flooding in 2015 and 2016. Overall, the Edisto Watershed is an important ecological and economic resource for the region, providing critical habitat for wildlife and supporting agriculture and other industries.

Surface Flows

Edisto Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Edisto Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Edisto Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Edisto Watershed

Edisto Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed