
Watershed Hydrology

The Crow Watershed (HUC 07010204) covers an area of approximately 2,031 square miles in south-central Montana. The area experiences a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters. Snowpack plays a critical role in the hydrology of the watershed, with winter snow accumulation providing a significant source of water for streams and rivers in the spring and summer months. The surface water in the watershed is mainly sourced from the Yellowstone River and its tributaries such as the Stillwater River and the Boulder River. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including the Yellowtail Dam and Reservoir on the Bighorn River. The Crow Watershed is prone to severe weather events, including flash floods and occasional droughts. In recent years, the area has experienced a trend of decreasing snowpack and increasing temperatures, which could have significant impacts on the hydrology of the watershed in the future.

Surface Flows

Crow Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Crow Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Crow Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Crow Watershed

Crow Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed