Little Tallahatchie

Watershed Hydrology

The Little Tallahatchie Watershed (HUC 08030201) covers an area of approximately 1,270 square miles in north-central Mississippi. It is primarily an agricultural area, with cropland and pastureland making up over 80% of the land use. The hydrology of the watershed is characterized by the presence of the Little Tallahatchie River and several smaller streams and creeks, which provide surface water for irrigation and other uses. The watershed experiences a humid subtropical climate, with hot summers and mild winters. Snowfall is rare, with an average of only 1-2 inches per year. The surface water in the watershed is typically of good quality, although there are some concerns about sedimentation and nutrient runoff from agricultural practices. There are several small reservoirs in the watershed, which are used for irrigation and recreation. The main constituents of these reservoirs are sediment and nutrients, which can contribute to water quality problems if not managed properly. In recent years, the Little Tallahatchie Watershed has experienced increased rainfall and flooding, which has had a significant impact on agricultural production and infrastructure. Efforts are underway to improve flood control and water management in the watershed to mitigate these impacts.

Surface Flows

Little Tallahatchie Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Little Tallahatchie Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Little Tallahatchie Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Little Tallahatchie Watershed

Little Tallahatchie Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed