Upper San Pedro

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper San Pedro Watershed, located in southeastern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico, covers approximately 2,965 square kilometers of land. This watershed is characterized by a hot and arid climate, with most precipitation occurring during the monsoon season from July to September. The watershed is also home to the Huachuca Mountains, which serve as a significant source of surface water and snowpack. The amount of snowpack in the mountains has been decreasing in recent years, likely due to rising temperatures. Surface water in the watershed is primarily used for agricultural purposes, and reservoirs in the area store water for these uses. Additionally, the watershed contains important riparian habitats that support a diverse range of plant and animal species. To ensure the sustainability of the watershed, conservation efforts have been put in place to reduce water use and promote responsible land management practices.

Surface Flows

Upper San Pedro Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper San Pedro Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper San Pedro Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper San Pedro Watershed

Upper San Pedro Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed