
Watershed Hydrology

The Okanogan watershed (HUC 17020006) covers approximately 9,200 square miles in northern Washington State and southern British Columbia. The watershed is characterized by a snow-dominated hydrology, with the majority of streamflow originating from snowmelt in the spring and early summer. The snowpack in the watershed is highly variable from year to year, with some years experiencing drought conditions and others seeing high snow accumulation. The surface water in the watershed is highly valued for its recreational and economic benefits, such as fishing, swimming, and irrigation. There are several reservoirs in the watershed that store water for agricultural and municipal use, including the Omak Lake and Conconully Reservoir. The climate in the watershed is generally arid with hot summers and cold winters. In recent years, the watershed has experienced longer and more severe droughts, potentially due to climate change.

Surface Flows

Okanogan Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Okanogan Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Okanogan Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Okanogan Watershed

Okanogan Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed