Upper Owyhee

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Owyhee Watershed (HUC 17050104) covers an area of approximately 2,749 square miles in southeastern Oregon. The hydrology of the region is characterized by high elevation mountain ranges, volcanic mesas, and deep canyons that contribute to the formation of the Owyhee River. Snowpack accumulation is critical to the hydrology of the Upper Owyhee Watershed, providing a significant portion of the surface water for the region. The snowpack is heavily influenced by climate patterns such as El Niño and La Niña, which can lead to significant variations in snowpack accumulation. The watershed is home to several reservoirs, including the Unity Reservoir and the Warm Springs Reservoir, which are important for irrigation and recreation. Interestingly, the Upper Owyhee Watershed experiences a semi-arid climate with precipitation averaging around 10 inches annually. Climate change projections indicate that the region could face increased temperatures and decreased snowpack in the future.

Surface Flows

Upper Owyhee Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Owyhee Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Owyhee Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Owyhee Watershed

Upper Owyhee Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed