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Mountains and Summits

Rocky Mountains Absaroka Range

Francs Peak

13,153 ft

Francs Peak, located in the Rocky Mountains mountain range, is the highest peak in Wyoming’s Absaroka Range. Standing at an elevation of 13,153 feet (4,009 meters), it offers a challenging yet rewarding climb for experienced mountaineers. The peak is situated within the Shoshone National Forest, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding wilderness.

During the winter season, Francs Peak experiences a significant amount of snowfall, making it a popular destination for backcountry skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The snowpack range varies each year, but on average, it can reach depths of several feet, providing excellent opportunities for winter recreation.

Several creeks and rivers receive runoff from Francs Peak, including the North Fork Shoshone River, Wood River, and Greybull River, which are vital sources of water for the surrounding ecosystems. These waterways create scenic landscapes and offer opportunities for fishing and other recreational activities.

The name "Francs Peak" is derived from the Frémont Expedition, led by John C. Frémont in 1842. Legend has it that Frémont named the peak after one of his French-Canadian trapper companions, François. Over the years, Francs Peak has become an iconic landmark, attracting both adventurers and those fascinated by its history.

- U.S. Geological Survey:
- Shoshone National Forest:

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