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Mountains and Summits

Appalachian Mountains Northern Appalachian Ridges

Wright Peak

4,580 ft

Wright Peak is a prominent mountain located in the Appalachian Mountains mountain range. With an elevation of approximately 4,580 feet, it offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding region. This majestic peak is situated in the northeastern part of New York State, within the Adirondack High Peaks region. Wright Peak is admired for its distinct shape, characterized by steep slopes and rugged terrain, making it a popular destination for mountaineers and hikers alike.

During the winter season, Wright Peak experiences a wide range of snowpack accumulation. The Adirondack region is known for its heavy snowfall, with an average yearly snowfall of over 150 inches. Winter adventurers can expect deep snow cover and challenging conditions, especially in the higher elevations. It is advisable to be well-prepared for cold temperatures, high winds, and potential avalanche risks during the winter months.

Several creeks and rivers in the surrounding area receive runoff from the melting snow on Wright Peak. One notable creek is the Algonquin Brook, which flows down from the peak's slopes and eventually joins the Opalescent River. This mountain runoff contributes to the richness of the region's ecosystem, providing valuable water sources for various wildlife and vegetation.

The name "Wright Peak" was given to honor William M. Wright, a renowned American geologist and surveyor who extensively studied and mapped the Adirondack Mountains during the 19th century. As for legends or lore associated with the mountain, there are no specific tales directly tied to Wright Peak. However, the Adirondacks as a whole have a rich cultural history and are home to numerous legends and stories passed down through generations, adding an air of mystique to the region.

- "Wright Peak,"
- "Wright Peak,"

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Buck Pond - DEC None 1,690 ft
Taylor Pond - DEC None 1,410 ft
Lake Harris - DEC None 1,639 ft
Wilmington Notch - DEC None 1,389 ft
Eagle Point - DEC None 898 ft
Meadowbrook - DEC None 1,615 ft
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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