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Mountains and Summits

Intermountain West Columbia Plateau

Strawberry Mountain

9,038 ft

Located in the Intermountain West mountain range, Strawberry Mountain is a prominent peak with an elevation of 9,038 feet (2,755 meters). This majestic mountain is part of the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness, encompassing an area of approximately 69,350 acres. Known for its stunning beauty and diverse terrain, it offers a range of recreational activities, including hiking, backpacking, and wildlife viewing.

During the winter season, Strawberry Mountain experiences varying snowpack levels. Snowfall can start as early as October and continue through April, with peak snowpack typically occurring in February. The snowpack range varies each year, but it generally averages around 50-60 inches (127-152 cm) in depth. This provides excellent opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts, such as snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

Strawberry Mountain is also renowned for its numerous creeks and rivers that originate from its slopes. These waterways include the Strawberry River, which flows through the wilderness area, providing a vital water source for wildlife and flora. Other creeks, such as Lake Creek and Slide Creek, also receive runoff from the mountain, creating picturesque landscapes and supporting diverse ecosystems.

The name "Strawberry Mountain" is said to have originated from early settlers who discovered an abundance of wild strawberries growing in the area, particularly along the mountain's lower slopes. These sweet, juicy berries became a cherished resource for both Native American tribes and later pioneers. Throughout history, Strawberry Mountain has become the subject of various legends and lore, captivating the imaginations of those who visit its scenic slopes.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Depot Park 20 3,541 ft
Parish Cabin 21 4,924 ft
Wickiup 5 4,296 ft
Head O Boulder Forest Camp 7 7,179 ft
Magone Lake Rec Area 66 5,011 ft
Dixie 14 5,250 ft
Murray 5 5,272 ft
Rock Springs 14 5,287 ft
Canyon Meadows 9 5,116 ft
Trout Farm 25 4,916 ft
Crescent 5 5,153 ft
Strawberry 11 5,740 ft
Lower Camp Creek Forest Camp 6 3,601 ft
Deerhorn Forest Camp 5 3,931 ft
Bates State Park 28 4,065 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort 0" 64° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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