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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Sierra Nevada

Basin Mountain

13,181 ft

Basin Mountain is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range of North America. With an elevation of [insert elevation], it stands as an impressive summit in the region. The mountain offers breathtaking views and challenging terrain, attracting mountaineers and outdoor enthusiasts from around the world.

During the winter season, Basin Mountain experiences a significant snowpack range. Snowfall in this area can vary greatly, ranging from [insert lowest snowpack range] to [insert highest snowpack range]. This makes it an ideal destination for winter sports enthusiasts, such as backcountry skiers and snowboarders.

The mountain is surrounded by several creeks and rivers that receive runoff from its slopes. [Insert specific creeks or rivers], fed by melting snow and ice, flow down from Basin Mountain, contributing to the water supply of the surrounding areas.

As for the history and lore associated with Basin Mountain, there are several interesting stories passed down through generations. [Insert any historical or legendary information about the mountain]. These tales add an intriguing layer to the already captivating allure of Basin Mountain, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure and natural beauty.

Note: The geocoordinates mentioned in the question have been omitted from the response as requested. Please refer to the provided geocoordinates for accurate location information.

Outdoor Recreation

Campground Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
McGee Creek 28 7,555 ft
Mountain Glen 5 8,532 ft
Intake 2 8 8,177 ft
Sabrina 18 8,973 ft
Four Jeffery 106 8,105 ft
North Lake 11 9,345 ft
Bitterbrush 30 6,805 ft
Millpond 60 4,438 ft
Big Trees 16 7,453 ft
Upper Pine Grove 8 9,395 ft
Holiday 35 7,201 ft
Pleasant Valley None 4,299 ft
Iris Meadow 13 8,382 ft
Tuff 34 6,933 ft
Crowley Lake 47 6,967 ft
Mee Creek 28 7,552 ft
Lower Pine Grove 11 9,375 ft
French Camp 85 7,305 ft
Mosquito Flat 10 10,228 ft
Rock Creek Lake 28 9,722 ft
Horton Creek 53 5,375 ft
Palisade 6 8,873 ft
Bishop Park 22 8,315 ft
Convict Lake 86 7,551 ft
Big Pine 30 7,745 ft
Ski Area Snowpack Air Temperature 5 Day Forecast
Mammoth Mountain 0" 64° 0"
June Mountain 0" 64° 0"
River Run Streamflow Length Class

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