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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Monte Cristo Peak

7,136 ft

Monte Cristo Peak is a prominent summit located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range, known for its breathtaking beauty and challenging mountaineering opportunities. Standing at an impressive elevation of approximately 7,484 feet, this peak offers spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is a popular destination among experienced mountaineers seeking a thrilling adventure in the rugged wilderness of the Pacific Northwest.

During the winter season, Monte Cristo Peak receives significant snowfall, transforming it into a winter wonderland for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack range varies each year, typically accumulating several feet of snow on the mountain slopes. This attracts backcountry skiers and snowboarders looking to carve fresh tracks on its steep slopes.

The meltwater from Monte Cristo Peak feeds into several creeks and rivers in the region, contributing to the watershed of the area. One such notable watercourse is the Sauk River, which benefits from the runoff originating from the mountain. This creates a vital water source for the ecosystem and supports diverse plant and animal life downstream.

The name "Monte Cristo" holds historical significance, as it is believed to have been named after the famous novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. The peak's name reflects the sense of adventure and mystery that surrounds this mountain, much like the tale of the novel. Additionally, there may be local lore or legends associated with Monte Cristo Peak, although specific information on this is limited.

In conclusion, Monte Cristo Peak is a captivating and challenging mountaineering destination in the Pacific Ranges mountain range. With its impressive elevation, varying snowpack range during winter, and significant contribution to local waterways, this peak offers a thrilling and scenic experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

Regional Water Data

Gauge Streamflow Stage
White River Above Boise Creek At Buckley
USGS 12099200
1,300 cfs 41.7 ft
Cedar River Near Cedar Falls
USGS 12115000
1,060 cfs 5.8 ft
White River Below Clearwater River Nr Buckley
USGS 12097850
1,270 cfs 48.0 ft
Greenwater River At Greenwater
USGS 12097500
231 cfs 3.5 ft
Rock Creek Near Maple Valley
USGS 12118500
2 cfs 19.5 ft
Sf Snoqualmie River Ab Alice Creek Near Garcia
USGS 12143400
347 cfs 11.4 ft
Boise Creek At Buckley
USGS 12099600
14 cfs 6.6 ft
Snotel Site Snowpack 24hr Change

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