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Mountains and Summits

Pacific Ranges Cascade Range

Mount Teneriffe

4,788 ft

Mount Teneriffe is a prominent peak located in the Pacific Ranges mountain range near North Bend, Washington. With an elevation of 4,788 feet (1,459 meters), it offers a challenging yet rewarding mountaineering experience. This majestic mountain is characterized by its rugged terrain, dense forests, and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

During the winter season, Mount Teneriffe receives a substantial snowpack. Snow depths can vary, but typically range from several feet to over ten feet, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack provides ample opportunities for backcountry skiing and snowshoeing.

Mount Teneriffe is also known for its numerous creeks and rivers that originate from its slopes. One notable example is the South Fork Snoqualmie River, which receives runoff from the mountain. These waterways not only contribute to the region's natural beauty but also provide a vital water source for the surrounding ecosystems.

As for the name, Mount Teneriffe has an interesting history. It is said to have been named by fur traders who believed its silhouette resembled the peak of Mount Teide in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Although the similarity may only be incidental, this lore adds a touch of intrigue to the mountain's identity.

In conclusion, Mount Teneriffe in the Pacific Ranges mountain range is an awe-inspiring destination for mountaineers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its impressive elevation, abundant snowpack, and picturesque waterways, it offers a diverse range of outdoor activities and unforgettable experiences.

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