United States Tennessee

Elk River Mills Road 10979-11169, Athens

Unfortunately, the coordinates provided are not in Tennessee, but in Alabama. Therefore, it is unclear which body of water the Elk River Mills Road boat ramp services and what kind of craft are permitted on the water. Additionally, without further information from local resources or government websites, it is impossible to determine the width or specific details about the boat ramp. Get driving directions.

Streamgauge Streamflow
Harpeth River At Franklin
USGS 03432350
72 cfs
Piney River At Vernon
USGS 03602500
154 cfs
West Fork Stones River At Murfreesboro
USGS 03428200
91 cfs
Copperas Branch Near Kingfield
USGS 03433640
1 cfs
Mill Creek Near Antioch
USGS 03431000
78 cfs
South Harpeth Creek Near Pewitt Chapel
USGS 03433637
3 cfs
Buffalo River Below Lobelville
USGS 03604400
850 cfs

Nearby Camping
Location Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Lake Malone State Park 125 572 ft
Harpeth River Bridge Numerous 393 ft
Six Mile Creek Numerous 110 ft
Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park 300 435 ft
Paul M Grist State Park 11 337 ft
Elm Bluff - William Dannelly Reservoir Numerous 103 ft
Roland Cooper State Park 60 85 ft