South Fork Catawba

Watershed Hydrology

The South Fork Catawba watershed covers approximately 1,236 square miles in western North Carolina. The topography is characterized by steep slopes and valleys, which contribute to rapid runoff during heavy precipitation events. The watershed is home to several reservoirs and has a history of flooding due to its high rainfall and propensity for severe storms. The area experiences a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons, including hot summers and mild winters. Snowfall is generally limited but can occur during winter storms, particularly at higher elevations. Surface water quality has been impacted by agricultural and urban runoff, leading to issues with sedimentation and nutrient pollution. Efforts are currently underway to improve water quality and restore degraded habitats within the watershed. Climate change is expected to lead to increased temperatures, more frequent droughts, and more intense precipitation events, which could exacerbate existing water quality issues.

Surface Flows

South Fork Catawba Watershed

Snowpack Depths

South Fork Catawba Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

South Fork Catawba Watershed

Groundwater Levels

South Fork Catawba Watershed

South Fork Catawba Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed